
Leading Intuitive Business Strategist and Women’s Transformation Catalyst, Prue Blennerhassett, presents

CEO Priestess


Together we'll package up your brilliance and boom your visibility. Finally, be divinely compensated for the incredible transformation you provide for your clients!

Apply for your FREE CEO Priestess Beyond Six-Figures Soul Business Planning Session with me

If you’re ready to unabashedly own your feminine divinity and grow your sacred soul-aligned business, I invite you to book in for a FREE 30 minute CEO Priestess Beyond Six-Figures Soul Business Planning Session, where you’ll receive potent insights to help you seriously up-level your business.


Select your time now so I can map out how to get you what you want with power, speed and grace. Let’s do this! There’s no pushy sales, just a heart to heart where we’ll talk about where you are now and where you want to be. Select your preferred time below and we’ll get you set for your session. Limited spots are available.

Any issues with finding a suitable time, you can email us at [email protected].

Book your Soul Business Planning Session with Vanda

It’s time to step out of the shadows, claim the value of your sacred work and make an impact on this planet, this is for you divine woman.

About Prue

After completing a Bachelor of Business, Banking, Finance and International Trade, Prue joined the corporate grind in her home town of Melbourne. She travelled throughout Asia and to Europe, working on million-dollar accounts before moving to Byron Bay and building her own successful business with a team of staff and reaching 5 figures months.

Even after moving out of her hometown to create a better lifestyle, she realised that the ‘way’ of working (the grind) was so ingrained that she continued to work that way even when she had a choice! That ‘way’ of working was using force, pushing herself, having it be hard, honouring DOing over BEing – and burn out soon followed.

She realised that way of working, while financially successful, was not personally sustainable or commercially scalable. She had to find another way, and she did…

She learnt to package up her brilliance in a way that offers incredible transformation for her clients very quickly. She learnt how to show up with heart and invite people into her story, into what she believes in and in to work with her. She also learnt how to connect with her divine femininity, with the depth of her emotions and to use these as gifts rather than the obstacles they’d always been before.

Now she helps other women to package their sacred work into a high-end offer that is irresistible to their ideal clients, so they can serve, shine and sell with soul while they make more money and have a greater impact in this world.

What other divine women are saying…

I made my investment back with Prue in a few short weeks with the launch of my beta 6-week group program.

Then last month I had over 30 people sign up for my program (that’s over $30K for the month!). Eek, it actually happened and I’m having soooo much fun coaching.

A masterclass participant introduced me to the owner of her company who’s been looking to bring a coach into his 100+ person team. I’m speaking to the whole company tomorrow, then working on bulk pricing for my 6-week program and beyond. Insane!!

Erin Bradley
Real Estate Entrepreneur, Freedom Seeker & Lifestyle Designer

My relationship to my worth and making money has raised to another frequency!

The scope of my work and my value as a woman, as a Clairvoyant Mystic Healer has gone through the roof, to infinity and beyond.

I am ecstatic to be on this adventure of offering my work to the wider world, in new ways….

I’ve re-fallen in love with Michelle and with life on another level. In this place I’m experiencing myself more than ever as a magnet for money, wealth, wisdom, love, abundance and ideal clients.

This is powerful beyond measure.

Michelle Granieri Taylor
Clairvoyant Compass to Destiny & Practical Guide to Shadow Mastery and Conscious CoCreation

“Prue helped me to repackage my work into an awesome program that is easy to sell.

It adds more value to the sales process and makes it easy for the client to understand the benefits, impetus and say YES to buying it!

My favourite part of working with Prue? When I trialled my brand new offer with a long-time lead and converted them to a $20K sale!!!

I then went on to sell a $45K program! My investment in this program paid off many times over in weeks.

Amanda Blennerhassett
8 Figure Strategist & Market Disruptor

What can I say about Prue? She is simply divine. She is exactly how she represents herself, hardworking, loyal, committed to her cause, empowering women to be all they can be in life and business.

If you’re wanting an energetic connection to your business that has an impact on the future of humanity I cannot recommend this amazing lady enough.

It will not matter what industry you are in she will connect you to the deepest divine part of you that will change your being and the way you look at yourself and your career.

Prue has the ability to see my vision and take it to the highest level for change to occur on a global scale.

Nancy Dent
Quantum Energy Healer & Human Potential Advocate

“Oh Prue, my vibrational levels are on high!! I LOVE “CEO Priestess”! Your whole package is amazing.

I love my work but it has become very clear in the last few months that it is time for me to step into that greater part of myself that has been waiting quietly in the wings.

I am inspired by your strength and your ability to ‘see and hear’ people, with a genuine desire to help them flourish. I am so grateful for this program, excited about what I have already achieved, and feeling energised and ready for the next step forward!

Geraldine Loong
Intuitive Healer & Yoga Empress

“Prue ‘gets’ me and my highly specialised work at a deep level. She understands my exquisite brand, has a great eye for detail and is a master strategist. She misses nothing.

As an ‘old-school’ and creative (think chaotic LOL) entrepreneur, educator and therapist I fiiiiiiinally made the leap last year to the online space with my beautiful somatic (body-based) work. It was a risk and a huuuuge and daunting task after 3 decades of working in the flesh. But Prue made it easy and fun! She was incredible during my planning and launch. She kept me calm and grounded and had my back the whole time. Such deep and unwavering faith and support.

Working with her has given me the confidence I needed to not only make this leap so successful but to grow into my vision. She is working with me right now on my big new launch which will be an online Mentorship and Teacher Training spanning 18 months. I couldn’t have done the launch process or run such a successful first online course/retreat for 97 women from around the world without her – let alone dared to launch this epic two-in-one project! It’s incredible! She is a joy, impeccable in all areas of her work and worth her weight in gold.”

Kylian Martin

Ah, Prue! I can’t get enough of you! Through working with Prue, my relationship to my worth and making money has changed a lot.

I finally embrace the value of my worth and by doing that, it’s being reflected back to me – I already sold my first high end package!

Prue stands in Alignment. Clarity. Brilliance in sharing her work. Integrity. Prue stays true to her higher purpose. This makes all the difference.

I’d rate this program 10/10 and have already recommended it to other women!

Jimmie Lene Read
Elemental Wayfinder & Cosmic Coach

Just Imagine…

  • Successfully launching your first 5-figure online course to impact 97 women around the globe, like Kylian
  • Experiencing a dramatic energetic shift where her business supported her on all levels and selling 4 x $2.5K programs in one week, like Megan
  • Scaling up your online presence and magnetism and selling two $2.7K programs in 2 weeks, like Helen
  • Making your investment back in a few short weeks with the launch of your beta group program, like my client Erin
  • Suddenly knowing how to package your life’s work into a high value program instead of $15 yoga classes, like Geraldine
  • Doubling the price of your coaching program and selling the first one in weeks, like Tiffany
  • After blowing $8K on a business program and getting nowhere, discovering your core essence and inspiration in only one session, like Mimi
  • Selling your first $20K program Pay In Full and doubling your average project fees in weeks, like my client Amanda and going on to sign a $45K program within a couple of months

Are you ready to discover this all for yourself?

Copyright Prue Blennerhassett Women Of Impact 2022

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